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Use our list of FAQ's to find answers to material handling's most commonly asked questions.
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A Partner for Your Operations We're more than a forklift manufacturer. We provide the support, knowledge and resources you need to improve efficiencies, uptime and overall productivity throughout your operations. We're your trusted material handling solutions partner.
In need of an owners manual, operators manual or parts manual for your new or used Raymond forklift or pallet jack? Raymond manuals are available for purchase from your local Raymond Authorized Solutions and Support Center. Contact us to request more information from your local Service Center.
Material Handling GlossaryThe Raymond Material Handling Glossary provides definitions for the most common terms used to describe the hardware, software, systems, procedures and other aspects of the material handling industry.
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Raymond Video LibraryThe Raymond Video Library provides a collection of videos ranging from product overviews to trade show highlights to customer success stories, helping you learn more about the products, innovation and complete material handling solutions that we can provide.
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Case Studies and Industry Information
Success Stories Read what our customers are saying about our successful partnerships. -
Awards and Events Learn more about our recent awards and where you can find us at upcoming industry events. -
Industries and Applications Raymond offers material handling equipment and end-to-end solutions for a broad range of industries and applications.
Material Handling Links and Industry Resources
Material Handling Industry Websites
- Council on Supply Chain Management Professions (CSCMP) provides educational events specifically addressing the supply chain industry
- Industrial Truck Association (ITA) - represents the manufacturers of lift trucks and their suppliers who do business in Canada, Mexico or the United States
- Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA) - The leading non-profit trade association of material handling and logistics providers
- Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) is an industry association dedicated to improving the proficiency of the independent material handling equipment distributor
- New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST™) is a rapidly growing, industry-led, private-public coalition of entrepreneurial, academic, corporate, and federal partners building a vibrant, world-class advanced battery and energy storage sector from R&D to commercialization based in NY
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) helps New York meet its energy goals: reducing energy consumption, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and protecting the environment
- Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) provides educational events, practical research, connections to other industry professionals and other benefits. Members are professionals from across the distribution industry
Brochures, Literature and Resources
Other Literature
Literature and resources for Raymond fleet solutions and service offerings. -
Lift Truck Literature
Find brochures and literature for Raymond lift trucks.
Search by Industry or Application
Case Studies and Industry Information
Success Stories Read what our customers are saying about our successful partnerships. -
Awards and Events Learn more about our recent awards and where you can find us at upcoming industry events. -
Industries and Applications Raymond offers material handling equipment and end-to-end solutions for a broad range of industries and applications.
Frequently Asked Questions
Use our list of FAQ's to find answers to material handling's most commonly asked questions.
Learn More
In need of an owners manual, operators manual or parts manual for your new or used Raymond forklift or pallet jack? Raymond manuals are available for purchase from your local Raymond Authorized Solutions and Support Center. Contact us to request more information from your local Service Center.
Article Mentions
"4 steps to hiring, retaining skilled workforceRefrigerated & Frozen Food; Rick Harrington, Vice President of Operations at The Raymond Corporation, provides four ways to help engage and retain the current and future generations of employees, January 2018
"Intelligent lift trucks, smarter business"Supply Chain Management Review; Chris Merta, product manager for automation, provides insights about autonomous vehicles and our work with Seegrid, December 2017
"Innovating for the future: Maximum efficiency to meet changing demands"Plant Services: Chris Merta, product manager for automation, blogs about innovating for the future with automated lift trucks, December 2017
"Q&A: 2018 Manufacturing Workforce Predictions"IMPO; Rick Harrington, Vice President of Operations at The Raymond Corporation, on manufacturing workforce development and how companies can rise to the challenge, November 2017
"Thinking inside the box"DC Velocity; details how Raymond Sales & Service Center, G.N. Johnston, helped solve a major problem for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corp, October 2017
"Fleet replacement, Part 2: Fact-finding tools to help determine when to retain, reallocate, replace, or remove your lift truck,”Plant Services; John Rosenberger, product and program manager for iWAREHOUSE GATEWAY and Global Telematics, details how telematics, can help make fact-based decisions when thinking about fleet replacement, October 2017
Material Handling Links and Industry Resources
Material Handling Industry Websites
- Council on Supply Chain Management Professions (CSCMP) provides educational events specifically addressing the supply chain industry
- Industrial Truck Association (ITA) - represents the manufacturers of lift trucks and their suppliers who do business in Canada, Mexico or the United States
- Material Handling Industry of America (MHIA) - The leading non-profit trade association of material handling and logistics providers
- Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) is an industry association dedicated to improving the proficiency of the independent material handling equipment distributor
- New York Battery and Energy Storage Technology Consortium (NY-BEST™) is a rapidly growing, industry-led, private-public coalition of entrepreneurial, academic, corporate, and federal partners building a vibrant, world-class advanced battery and energy storage sector from R&D to commercialization based in NY
- New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) helps New York meet its energy goals: reducing energy consumption, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and protecting the environment
- Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC) provides educational events, practical research, connections to other industry professionals and other benefits. Members are professionals from across the distribution industry